Here is a first isometric test using 3D Map Generator. I'm not overly impressed with the result, but it was a first test and a very difficult terrain.
With some tweaking and more normal terrain this might be a useful map style. If it possible to stitch them together well I can see something really useful for continent size maps!
Experimentation will continue and future projects will be yield better results I'm sure.
Here is the link to the Final Crater maps.
Only top down maps there right now, more will be added later today and in then next few days. The top down map is available in three different resolutions from 4000 pixels to 16000 pixels, and in the two most popular texture variations.
I've also corrected the shadows, thank you gain Thorfinn for alerting me!
The inaugural project is done, here is a first look at it!
All these images and more will be available to all Patreons in full resolution before the end of the week. Higher Level Patreons will receive additional material as well.
Next week there I will post my my evaluation of the first project, and what I need to improve for the future. I will also announce so additional projects as well.
Thank you all for your support!
The final phase of creating maps and images out if the terrain created.
Time to create the final texture and the top down view.
You can get the Photoshop file here:
This is a reduces resolution (4096 pixels) file, the final map are 16 000 pixels, but due to size I have to share a smaller file. Everything works the same and if you want the full size images use the WM files to render them at 8K or 16K resolution.
Lets have a closer look at the layer structure
Good luck with creating your own version of the textures!
A sneak peak at what the final map will look like. There are some neat details to be found if you look really carefully....
A break down on how this is done will come to the Cartographer Patreons very soon, I just need to add few more features 🙂
Working on the last touches of my first Patreon Project, and realizes that this is a learning experience for me as much as for you. Both how Patreon works and all your expectations and also from a technical perspective.
To document and try and explain what and how you're doing things, forces you to think again several times for each step. This have made me realize that I can improve, which I want to do as much as possible.
To match the technical with an implementation in the form of a Creative Commons part (read Greyhawk) is vital I think, both for me to focus my creativity better, and for most of you to get more out of this.
The other part is to evolve technically, which is happening much faster with the more bite sized projects here, more than in the often year long undertakings for my commissioned work. I've already listed a number of things to change for the next project, that I will elaborate on in detail when the Crater Project is done.
There will be a first poll in a couple of days, where you can decide the final looks of the Crater.
Thanks again for your interest, much appreciated!