Project Island - Advanced Map Folder


In this folder I will place all the Advanced Content for this project. First out is the Layered PSD Top down Maps.

You can access it here:

Project Islands - Basic Map Folder


I have Created a folder with all the Basic content for this project. This content will be available to all my Patreons.

You can access it here:

Layered Files overview


Here comes a video that explains how the Layered PSD files works and a bit of what you can do with them.

To make full use of them you need Photoshop. I tested the files in GIMP but the usability is limited. GIMP doesn't support adjustment layers so the shading will look dark or washed out depending on how you brighten it.

I will look into trying to see if there is a way around that limitation in GIMP. It would be neat since not everyone can afford to use Photoshop. Will also test it in Photoshop Elements to see if the more affordable version can handle it.  

Project Islands - Top Down Area Maps


I've split up the main map into more manageable nine pieces. Each with the full resolution of 10 ft/pixel.

The Basic Content version comes as a JPG's available for all Patreons  and the Advanced Content Version comes as Layered PSD-files. Links will come in a separate posts to respective Patreons.


Project Islands - Final Complete Top Down Map


Here is the complete map of the Islands in top down form.

The full resolution is 30,000 pixels (213 MB) and you can grab it here:

a 7000 pixel (10 MB) version here:

and a low resolution version with 2500 pixels (1.5 MB) here:

Full resolution area maps will be available for all Patreons tomorrow.

Layered versions will be available for Adventurer Patreons and higher tomorrow.

My work will now focus on the Isometric Maps that I hope to have ready next week.

Thank you all for your support in making this project possible, it is been my most advanced map ever crated and it have forced me to rethink a lot of how to go about doing things like this. Once the Isometric maps of the Islands are done, my focus will be to sum up what worked, what didn't work and present that for all the Cartography Backers.

Project Islands - short update!


Working on the Top Down Maps, and the rest will be ready later today!
The top down maps along with the heightmaps form the data needed for the 3D maps like the isometric and special renders.

What I was hoping would take a month will take around two months to finish, so this have been a learning experience that will shape things going forward. Doubling the size of the project from 30 miles (50 km) to 60 miles (100 km)at the same scale means the area (and therefore the work involved) four times. 

In addition to taking four times the effort to edit, with this much more data barriers in hardware and software becomes much more apparent. For example to render things in World Machine went from ten hours to over four days. 

The Islands Project is 32K resolution which means that each type of data (elevation, texture masks etc) is an image 32,768 pixels across. until I have better hardware and updated tools, future projects will be limited to 16K resolution. Applied to the Lendore Isle this means 100 ft/pixel resolution, so there are hopes for the "Flanaess Map 2.0" update!

Resolution isn't everything, there are also features included and how well it scales both up and down. When you from 10 ft to 100 ft per pixel things like buildings and roads are no longer visible and need to be represented by symbols instead, either individually for roads or aggregated into settlements for buildings.

But now my thoughts are wandering off into the future, back to Photoshop again!   


Project Islands - Forth Final Map


Here are the next top down final map of the Islands series, this is the most inaccessible island of them all. With a hidden pirate outpost and the most sought after monastery this side of the ocean!

You can also grab the file here:

Project Islands - Third Final Map


Here is the third top down map. This time it is the flattest groups of islands with a little bit of settlements, not that many want to live out here on the edge. A few other features a sprinkled in here as well.

Here is a download link:

Project Islands - Second Final Map


Here comes the second top down final map. This island is a bit more mountainous and geographically more interesting, but less human habitation.
You can download the image here:

Project Islands - First final map


Here is the top down map of Area 1. Here is the link to the image in case Patreon mess it up:

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