a little sneak peak.....


147 things to do....


Gone over all my Greyhawk Map To Do notes in my Evernote and found 147 worth investigating. 

Already added two new things to the map!

There are more than a few new heraldry to create 🙂

But also a lot of kinda weird notes that needs more investigation and might lead to nothing, but follow every lead!

Flanaess 2018 Edition Pre-Release 2!

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September Update


First thank you so much for all your support, more than halfway to the next goal of 250 patrons! This is more than I have earned this month with very little to show for it as you are all well aware of. The reason for this is that I have two major project that are now in the home stretch to be delivered in September, one for Kobold Press upcoming Kickstarter (I think) and another still to be unnamed project.

The secrecy surrounding most commissions are both cool and a nuisance at the same time. It is cool to be in the loop of future projects, but the downside is that you only get to know parts of it and you can't show the world what you're up to. So for a month now I've been working really hard in stealth mode, logging more hours in Photoshop than ever before. This is great for my next video series about mapping using Photoshop, picked up new ways of doing things faster and better.

My plans for Greyhawk this months will be limited to nailing down the new style for the Flanaess 2018 Edition, a first look at how to tackle projections and a look at what is happening in the field of mapping related technology. Those of you who made your Linguistic or Perception Roll have noticed that something interesting is hidden in the title, and no its not golden. That is just me going a bit overboard reusing some layer styles I have just developed for another project. What I'm hinting at is something Darlene and me will show more of soon!

Next month I plan to work a majority of time on Greyhawk both directly for you guys, but also on a number of other Greyhawk related things. My website ghmaps.net and Facebook Pages have long been neglected, so I plan to blog, and do updates. The Greyhawk Channel on Twitch will have a new show starting in October, it is Mike "Mortellan" Bridges and me who will host a weekly show about Greyhawk. The Greyhawk Channel on Twitch have a number of live game shows every week, all set in Greyhawk. Mortellan and me will try and be complement and instead of running games, take both a wide and deep look at the setting of Greyhawk. Covering topics like history, geography, nations and other realms, the underdark and more, with the goal of providing more in depth look than can be presented during live play. I have never done anything like this before, but with Mike's help at least I know we can talk forever about Greyhawk!

Patreon plans for October

A first batch of Flanaess 2018 Edition in your hands. Since we started in Ratik, the Thillonrian Peninsula including Ratik and Stonehold will be a good first area to aim for.

Polish up some of my old sketches. This time it might be time to look at a scary prison and see if we can revive the debate over which version of the City of Greyhawk is the best.

Start implementing my findings in the field of projections and global mapping on the Flanaess.

Thank you again for supporting me!   

Ocean Overlay Colors

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Campaign Sketches - Rel Deven


One of the main promises when I refocused my Patreon on Greyhawk was to share content from my personal Greyhawk Campaign. The first was the version of my Flanaess map depicting my campaign. Now its time to dig into some more detailed things.

Most of what I do for my own games are far from professional quality in the form of hand made sketches, yes despite the fact that I'm using digital tools for my work I love to sketch the old fashioned way. Even though I love to sketch doesn't mean I'm particularity good at it, but that's where my digital skills come in handy.

The first sketch to be presented are one of my favorite cities in the Flanaess, Rel Deven. An old city with a long history as one of the main centers of the Great Kingdom.  


Back from the fire!


Just a short note to tell you that I have unpacked, and brought all my stuff back home again. The fire is under control and no longer in the area, so things are getting back to normal.

I will be back with more stuff soon, a video about importing WM data into Photoshop, a second Ratik style test and more.

Thank you again for all your encouraging comments and support! 🙂

Flanaess 2018 Style Test 1


Here is the first test of the updated look for the 2018 Edition. You can download the full resolution file here: 


The goal here is to try and make the text, if possible,  both easier to read, easier on the eye and work better with the tweaked terrain. Major labels outlines have been thinned out or removed and they have been paired with an outer glow that soften its surroundings.

The terrain is a work in progress with more to edit on oceans and coastlines in particular. Mountains also need a bit of touch up to look a bit more believable.

Next style test I will try and improve roads, borders and the settlements and other small labels.

So what do you think?  

Elemental disturbance..


I which this was an image I created to show Iuz forces advancing through the Vesve, but unfortunately its an image I took of the nearby Santa Anna mountains a few minutes ago.

The fire is about two miles away still. The neighboring communities have been given the order to evacuate, but we might be able to stay put if the wind stays calm.

I have packed and backed up as much as possible and will be OK even with the worst happening, but there will probably be less progress for a little while. I was going to write a post about how awesome it was to meet several of you during Gen Con, but that will have to wait a while.

I hope you are all safe!

I will post updates daily, and as a fantasy nerd with a passion for photography this is also an opportunity for some reference shots.

To Indy!


I'm just about to head off to the airport to fly to Indy for Gen Con.

During the convention I will work in Exhibit Hall Booth #343 that is Lone Wolf Development. If you're at the convention please stop by and say hi! 

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