Back home again from PAX, and I will be on the channel in a bit over an hour to do the Legends & Lore show at 8PM EST.
But first a report about the 576 CY map. Progress overall is about 80% done, which might seem a bit off since quite a bit more is browned out on the map above. Most of the areas left to do were very little affected by the war and all the other calamities caused by later events, so they should not take that long.
The only really difficult area left are Geoff and its surroundings. The giants hadn't invaded half the realm yet so I need to roll back all their conquest.
Here is a link to a full resolution JPG:
In the south I have to look into how far the Scarlet Brotherhood had spread their tentacles in 576 CY. Sea Princes are still an independent realm so things need to change in that area, but not much else down in the south need to be altered.
Finally I'm starting to see the end of this long awaited project, and give me a week or two and we can have a release candidate, so please check it out for things I have missed!
Will be talking about maps with the guys from Tabletop2Keyboard tonight at 10pm EST.
Here is the link:
Please stop by and ask me difficult questions!
I'm working on my Gary Con presentation, and here are some of the topics:
Introduction to my Cartography
Creative Commons
Other Projects
What should a map look like? Purpose of a Map
How I make my maps - then, now and in the future
Anatomy of a 3D Map
In the Pipeline(tm)
- River Map
- Lendore Isle
- Hepmonaland
- Oerth
- Secret Project #1
- Secret Project #2
- Secret Project #3
The Seminar is held Friday 10 AM, in Galewood and there are 3 tickets available as I'm writing this.
All the slides with comments will be available here soon after the seminar.
Today is the day to thank all of you for giving me the chance to work on Greyhawk maps a couple days every week, it is a dream coming true and you are the ones making it possible!
Here are a couple of new maps that have been waiting to be seen by others. The first one is a low resolution version of the upcoming Flanaess River map, that will be released as a variant of the upcoming 576 CY map. This version is 7000px across which is still enough to give a good overview of the waterways of the Flanaess.
Here is a link to the file:
Next is a look at my version of the Bone March (in 598 CY).
Here is s link:
The humanoids still hold the realm and Knurl still exist as an independent realm, but that is doubtful to be much longer. The County of Blemu have pledged allegiance to Spinecastle and is run by a totally corrupt Count backed up by thugs, surviving by being a conduit for the little trade there is with the North Kingdom.
Johnsport have survived mainly intact, by providing the only port and main contact with the outside world, they can bribe the clan lords to leave them alone most of the time.
Orcs are the most powerful clans and they have grabbed the best bits of land, Spincastle and the central lands, the south western lands to keep an eye on the neighbours and the former County of Cadmil to keep Johnsport in check. The Gnolls and Hobgoblins control the rest.
I've also renamed the Blemu Uplands into the Ripper Hills and (in the north) the Tessar Uplands. I think the two different Blemu highlands where probably just a mistake in the source texts, and this makes more sense to me.
The Clan names comes from the Living Greyhawk Gazetteer. This is part of my work to try and detail the often overlooked evil lands of the Flanaess with a lot more detail and nuance to provide more goodies for adventurers to explore, get bogged to in and ultimately defeat.
Next up is the Horned Lands
Hre is a link:
The Horned Lands (598 CY) are in my campaign one of the core provinces of the Old Empire, as Iuz now call his lands. It is still mostly business as usual run from Molag, but it is Iuz and his Boneheart priests that are in charge.
To control the the Skull Trail and the Long March is key so Veng that sits on the side have been spun off as a separate province run by a thug calling himself prince who can raid across the river and get punished without it affecting the larger empire as much. The Free Reavers have the same position, but are less effective due to geography.
Iuz is much more on the defensive these days, there are no easy pickings any longer, neighbouring realms are now hardened and have learned to defend themselves. This is especially true of the fanatics in Critwall who are hellbent on taking back territory and killing humanoids.
When pay your troops mainly using loot this is a major problem, so Iuz is shoring up his conquest using a combination of walls, client buffer states and clandestine footwork. It is only partially successful.
North of the Molag frontier are the Lands of Ixhold that now also controlled the lands that belonged to Pazrael. Alliances between demons seldom last long and this is a great example of it. Pazrael grew tired when loot was no longer easy to get and you had to start managed with you got rather than getting more, he was out.
Ixworth has originally a small Flan hold formed by exiles from the Great Kingdom, conveniently located just outside the interest of the Rauxes even at its peak. After the fall of the Great Kingdom it became a farming community, raising sheep, goats and cattle for export to Molag and got drawn into the affairs of the Hierarchs.
The march is the lands around the key road being controlled by Iuz henchmen from Trystenn. The northern part of the March used to belong to the hobgolins and the Broken Sky clan are still living there.
The Jahnser's Lands are run from the town of Kindell. It was originally an outpost to source humanoid mercenaries run by Kindell, a ruthless and savvy businessman who saw the market for humanoid mercenaries in the Great Kingdoms, for its many wars. He grew rich and became one of the initial Hierarchs, and to consolidate his hold of the land and protect from the growing power of Iuz he built and number of fortifications north of Kindell.
North of the Imritz river are till the lands of the Hoch Jebli and the clans are still both squabbling among themselves, defending against outsiders and selling themselves for whatever trinkets catching their fancy.
This was a bit of insight into my Greyhawk campaign, and I hope you find it useful as an inspiration in your games. Thank you again for joining me in mapping the World of Greyhawk!
Here is the heraldry I developed for Free Borough, the free city in the middle of the Fuyondyan plains, for my campaign.
The design is based on my hunch that the city dates back to the days of the Great Kingdom, therefore the blue base. The city symbol is the "standard" aerdy city symbol seen in may other symbols, like the City of Greyhawk, Dyvers Jalpa and others. The crown at the top I imaged to be the old sign for the viceroyalty of Ferrond. The golden dots at the bottom are a symbol for wealth and commerce seen in many other heraldry symbols.
Nine years ago I moved to California and started a Facebook group called Flanaess Geographical Society as a way to find other interested in helping me map the World of Greyhawk, that little group now have 1,999 members. It was also two years ago that I started my patreon and 20 years ago since I started mapping, so many different reasons for a bit of celebrations. Thank you everyone who have helped me making this project what it is today, I couldn't have done it alone!
First out in the celebrations are an update to the "Classic Map" I did a few years ago. It is a version of my Flanaess map that has only the information that was on the original Darlene map, plus the heraldry from the booklets on top of my terrain. This version has the updated terrain and are 36x48 inches plus bleed ready to be printed. Town and cities labels are enlarged to be easier to read.
You can grab the map in full resolution JPG here:
PDF version here:
And a 4000px JP version here that is more manageable for non printing uses:
More news is coming soon!
Here comes something not mapping related, but I hope you still find it interesting..
Dragons are a fantasy icon and a staple of most settings, and they are certainly present in the World of Greyhawk. Here comes a look at dragons in my campaign and a bit of how I envision them, what makes them tick and why they haven’t taken over the whole world yet.
Dragon Birth and Reproduction
Dragons can at best produce a clutch of eggs once a century, and the number of eggs varies between dragon types but the older and more powerful the mother, the number of eggs increase. Like in big birds, female dragons are bigger and often more powerful to be able to care for the extra weight and effort with the eggs. Whether guarding the eggs and hatchlings is the solitary duty of one of the parents, a shared undertaking between the parents or a group effort varies a lot. Young dragons often need to share the responsibility in order to protect the eggs and hatchlings, while an older and more powerful single parent will take on the challenge.
For a Dragon to rare young to successful hatchlings the eggs need to rest on a bed of dragon bones for sustenance. The bones of a dragon can give sustenance to as many eggs at a time as its age category at death. The bones retain this ability for as long as the dragon, who the bones used to belong to was alive. This makes Great Wyrm dragons who are starting to feel their powers to diminish to seek out a place to die and give their bones the best possible chance of nourishing new generations.
Dragons are highly competitive and will go to almost any length to acquire parts of dead dragons or kill them if they are still alive, something especially true when it comes to dragons of other types or with a different alignment.
Treasure in the form of precious metals, gems and pearls can be used as a substitute, which have led to dragons started to hoard these items. This behavior started a long time ago by locating lairs at places where treasure occur naturally or by magical means. In more recent times with the advent of other creatures who mine and refine these resources into more (for dragons) useful treasure, the practice of hoarding them became widespread in most dragon types.
Shape Shifting
Some dragon types have an innate ability to shift to another form, usually humanoid. The type of creature they shift into is determined at a very early age, either by the parent presenting a creature of the type they want their hatching to be able to shift into, or the hatching bonding to a creature it comes in contact with by itself. The contact must be voluntary and friendly for all parties involved. Dragon parents often establish relationship with creatures of the type they want their hatchlings to be able to shift into, long before to make sure their offspring get the shifting ability desired.
Dragons with this ability always shifts into the same individual of that form. Their alternate form ages at the same rate as their true Dragon form, a hatchling dragon will shape shift into a toddler and a wyrm will shift into an elderly person. They can acquire class levels, skills, feats etc. as a normal for that type of creature.
Dragon Sleep
In order to advance an age category, the dragon needs to sleep for months or even decades, and the older it is, the longer its naps will be. Dragons are far from defenseless when they sleep, their hearing and sense of smell is often as active as it is when they are awake and active. Some dragons can also make use of other senses in the sleep, like for example tremor sense. Dragons amazing sensory usage during sleep is one of many adaptations’ dragons have gained over generations of an often-solitary existence.
Dragon Aging and Death
Old age is something dragons are looking forward to, it will make them more and more powerful as they age. Physically and mentally a dragon's capabilities increase all the way up until the dragon have reached well beyond the age of old wyrm and reach the twilight age (around 1200-1500 years).
The appearance of dragons does deteriorate as they age, becoming less colorful, less shiny and scales become more and more like a scarred set of armor. This is for the most part desirable and beneficial for dragons, giving them better defenses, better camouflage and make it more difficult for non-dragons to identify their type. Dragons are experts at judging other dragons and are very rarely fooled, or in doubt about the nature of another dragon. Smell, tracks and even the smallest trace of another dragon's current, or past, presence is enough for them to know exactly who they are dealing with.
Dragons yearn for their bones to literary nourish future generations, and ending the life knowing their bones will form a nest is very reassuring for old wyrms. This often leads to old wyrms trying to find other powerful dragons of their own type, challenge them to see if they are worthy and often slaying existing partners in the process. Dragons found to be worthy will have the honor of mating and in the process ending the life of the old wyrm. To be killed by the right partner is one of the biggest highlights of a dragon’s life, and they look forward to it for centuries.
Some types of dragons this have established special places that old dragons go to die and younger dragons guard in order to pick up the bones. For other dragons, old wyrms advertise the fact that they are ready, and younger suitors fight for the honor of being the last mate and successor of the old wyrm.
The roar of a dying wyrm making the final sacrifice can be heard, and felt, far and wide (miles), and anyone who have heard such a roar will never forget it. A Will Save is needed in order to not fear dragons for life. And any creature that are within the frightful presence radius, will automatically fail this save and only a Wish, or Miracle cast, with a material component being a bone from the roaring dragon, can cure it.
For dragons this roar is something else indeed, especially the dragon who has the honor of killing a wyrm in its last act. This lucky dragon will be able to stay active all the way into and through its next age without having to take a nap, and female wyrms often use this to make sure their last clutch of hatchlings makes it into adulthood and beyond, making it easier to raise the young ones without a partner.
This is by no means the last word on this topic, it is only a small part of the planning for my D&D in a Castle campaign I’m going to run next year and dragons will be a big part of it….
I will be on Jay Scott's Twitch channel today at 7:30 pm EDT, and we will be talking about dragons.
Here comes a look at the updated and new heraldry that have been a part of my own campaign for some years now, but with the new 576 CY map in the making the heraldry of the Great Kingdom, its provinces and dependencies needs to be looked into again.
Some of the shields have to be updated to reflect the earlier period, for example Sunndi that is now a County and shows it Iron League membership on its shield. The Aerdy simple star that is a staple on most symbols of these lands have gotten a much needed facelift as well.
I've added a number of the heraldry I developed for my own Rel Deven campaign to this preview to see where they are anywhere near the quality to be be considered for the new map. I like them but that might not be good enough, they need more scrutiny.
Here comes a first look at the Great Kingdom in 576 CY, and I must say it is very interesting to go back to the initial release of Greyhawk again. This is a look at the dying days of the biggest empire the Flanaess have ever seen.
There are a lot of considerations what doing this, for example what are the Provinces of the Great Kingdom? We have all familiar with the North and South provinces, but where they the only provinces of the empire or where they just more independent and powerful than the other provinces?
I have gone with the idea that there where more than the North and South provinces. Reading later sources, it looks like other principalities like Rel Deven, Jalpa, Nulbish etc where powerhouses long before they became the provinces of the new United Kingdom of Ahlissa after the war. The South province seems to be a leftover from the old Ahlissan Kingdom that predates the Great Kingdom, so it is kind of natural for it to be incorporated as its own entity.
In the north, things are a little bit different after the fall of the Great Kingdom, Herzog Grenell continued to rule over his province. In the south a new center of power emerged in Kalstrand that took control over all the neighboring provinces. Herzog Grenell got the leftover north of the mayhem in Rauxes.
By assuming that most of the bits that makes up the United Kingdom of Ahlissa and the North Kingdom were already established in the old Great Kingdom its is possible to make a much more detailed map with a lot of interesting features.
There are some idiosyncrasies too, Rel Astra and See of Medegia for example. The Medegia entry states Rel Astra as it capital, but the Rel Astra entry states that Rel Astra "desperately seek close ties with Medegia". This seems odd if the city already functions as the capital of Medegia.
A passage in the LG Gazetteer on p81 sheds some light to this. The passage is about the Church of Pholtus and its Holy Censor who is "granted a fief to administer from the old city of Mentrey in Medegia". I guessed that Pontylver was the capital of Medegia but this passage seems to indicate it was more centrally located Mentrey, I love to find bits like this!
So I'll fix that for the next update.
Another issue is that fact that Nyrond had invaded Knurl in 576 CY, so that part of the map needs some more work too. Lendore Isles and the Spindrifts need more research too. Di any of you know that the most of the Grandwood Forest was an Impresial Preserve? I sure didn't until I read it and it's now on the map. I added the term Imperial Lands to those areas around Rauxes directly governed by the Overking himself. The Naelax royal shield needs to be added as well.
you can download this map here:
Still some work to do but this project is moving forward, and a new update will come soon!