Thillonrian Peninsula 598 CY


Here comes the third installment in my new 1:2,000,000 scale Greyhawk maps.

JPG (26MB):

Layered PDF (643MB):

Layered PSD (1.4GB):

One of the problems for others using my QGIS project files to make their own versions of the map is, that SVG icons file paths doesn't work on other computers. I have found a workaround, by uploading all the SVG files to my website and giving them an individual URL they are usable everywhere. In order for this change to work I need to reprogram all the SVG references in my project files to use URL's instead of local file paths. A lot of work, but its only needed once. I will get to that in a bit, and send out new files.

More stuff will come soon!

The Northern Reaches 598 CY


Here comes the second GIS area map, the Northern Reaches. starting to get the hang of it now, the first map took at least 8 hours to do, this one probably more like 3 hours and it gets easier as I get better at it.

Don't hesitate to call out typos, missing things or other errors!

You can get it here.

JPG (34.1MB):

Layered PDF (767.6MB):

Layered PSD (1.8GB):

Download manager might be needed to download them.

Work continues, so I wish you all a great holiday and I will be back with more tomorrow.

The Bitter North 598 CY


Finally, after a wave errors and problems that always comes up in projects like this, here is a first proper GIS based map. It is a fist in a series of maps optimized for digital use covering the whole of the Flanaess at 1;2,000,000 scale using Orthographic (or more correctly an Oerthographic!) Projection.

Despite having worked with QGIS for about 5 years I still is very much still in the learning phase, trying to push the limits on what is possible to do. This first map have taken me days to get right. I had issues with my cities, which after a deep investigation turned out to be errors from my initial setup still being present. After some workarounds I managed to get it to export properly. This will need to data cleanup and rebuild which is on my to do list for January 2025.

I also discovered that changing presentation can mess tings up, which happened with border classifications which meant that I have to redo most province and local borders, which I will do bit by bit that is covered by each map. If I ignore my learning pains this was a very easy map to create, and I have a whole series lined up to be done over the holidays.

It comes comes in JPG (31.3 MB):

Layered PDF (539 MB):

Layered PSD (1.6GB):

The PSD version is great for creating player versions, load it in a program that can open PSD's and hide what you don't want your players to see.

It has two grids. A white 100-mile grid for distance measuring, and a 2-degree black Lat. Lon. grid for referencing.

Roads and Sea Lanes have markers, small ones every 5 miles, and bigger ones every 50 miles.  

Thank you so much to all of you for making this possible, it is a bit late but it looks as good as I wanted it to, and I'm very optimistic about GIS possibilities going forward.

I which you all a Merry Christmas, and I will be back very soon with more!

Flanaess & Hepmonaland GeoPackage

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GIS Test Map - Hepmonaland


 Here comes the final GIS Test map - Hepmonaland.

 This time i used the simpler vector heraldry, it might be the best for this type of map. It comes with a 250 mile square grid. Due to the size of Hepmonaland, symbols and text appear small, despite being equal in size to the other test maps. This is due to me using symbols and text sizes based on real world measurements. This is so they will work better in an digital environment, easy to read closeup but disappearing as you zoom out. The upcoming series of maps designed for printing will use sizes defined by how large thy will be on the print.

You can download the map here (JPG 61.6MB):

Make sure yo download the file, it is probably too big to view in your browser.

I'm sorry for a bit of a delay. I was out with my Dog Chico a week ago, and we ran downhill for fun, which didn't end well for me. I tumbled and hit the curb and sidewalk really bad. Broke a rib, severely sprained an ankle and injured a knee. It kept me in bed for a few days and I've been slowly hobbling back to normality, now I can get around pretty good and even work for a coupe of hours at a time without painkillers. This proves I'm getting old and should be more careful. Chico was a champ and stayed with me to make sure I was alright, while I was stubborn enough to walk a mile home. That came back to bite me, but I'm on the mend!

Next up is for me to put together all the files into a GeoPackage, will post that for all Cartography tier Patreons very soon.  

GIS Test Map - Baklunish West


 My GIS conversion project is now very much on the home straight, having done almost all of the data entry. Next up is to have a look at the Baklunish side of things and have a new look at provincial names, so see if they can be made to both blend in and still be visible closeup.

It is not perfect, still a few things that are on my list to fix but it is close to done. I added a 250 mile square grid and a scale. Realized afterwards that a 100 - mile scale and grid would be more appropriate, which I will keep in mind. More important for this test map is to verify that I can integrate grids and scales into my QGIS workflow, and that is a success.

QGIS have shown its strength more and more as I worked with it, very few crashes and a solid set of features and standards supported. Another great feature of QGIS is, it is open source software, that means it is both free and has a large user base. Lots of tutorials and plugins are created by its many users.

Another test I did was to export a layered PDF of an area, which is very easy to do and the PDF looks good and are of reasonable size.  

You can download the Baklunish Test map here (179.5MB):

The Layered PDF Map here (9 MB):

Remember to download the files, they are probably too big to be viewed in your browser.

Left to do are the Sea Lanes which will take me a week or so, and then it is time to go over and double check things which will probably take another week or two. So hopefully there will be a first set of GIS based maps for digital use, and a geopackage for you guys to play around with for Christmas.

After the holidays I will start work on a series of maps for print and make vectors of all the coastlines, and rivers. This is to make is easy to create overview, spread maps and  things like weather maps and more.

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!

GIS: Full Flanaess Test Map



My journey to use GIS started back in 2017 when I set out to learn how to create maps using Geographical Information System technology. My then 20 year old World of Greyhawk map started out back in 1997 using Bryce 3D and Corel Draw, which where the tools I used until around 2009. Since the start my goal was to make an atlas by creating it page by page, my computer could barely handle a page at a time. With 64-bit computers coming of age the possibility of making a single big map emerged, and I switched from Corel to Adobe, who had a much better 64-bit support in Illustrator.

The Illustrator map has been a good staple for over a decade, but it is limited to a single size, resolution and scale. It is also only an image which can’t be used for anything besides being used in its current form. This is very inefficient use of all the work that went into it. I didn’t know at the time I started making it how big this project would be, and how technology would develop. Now with new, more powerful tools, more skills and resources it is time to move beyond a mere image of a map to utilize state-of-the-art cartography technology and put it to good use mapping our Greyhawk.  

The first step is to put all the date in, from georeferenced the existing terrain image to draw all the roads, borders and sea lanes, and then enter all the places and names of everything.  Thousands of pieces of data required hundreds of hours, but now it is almost all done. I have a few province and local names left to do.

Now its time to start presenting all this data, to make sure QGIS (and my computer and skills) are up to the task, and as usual I start with the most difficult task first. I tend to want to start with the most dauting task, knowing that if I can pull that off the rest is easier. In this case a full Flanaess map with the same level of detail as the current map was a good hard tsk to start with.

This map is a first test to see if it is possible to export a 30,000 pixel map, in layers that looks good, which I think is an affirmative success. There are still issues to investigate, like overlapping labels, and complicated settings in QGIS for label placement. In tight places with colliding details and labels, what gets displayed where (or left out) is governed by a set of hierarchies that I still have to fully understand.

Style choices are another thing I’m using this map to test out, like bright instead of dark political names that are blended into the map rather than being firmly superimposed above. I find them easier to see, zoomed out and yet less intrusive closeup. I’m not sure I like the looks of them that much. Do you like them or are I’m just screwing things up?

One of the benefits of using GIS is that I can just change the settings for a class of labels, and they all change, no need to adjust every object individually which I had to do in Illustrator. This means experimentation and style changes are much easier to do.

Added a few shields to see how they would look and used the new more detailed heraldry. I wasn’t sure how they would look, but I like them better, what do you think?


 I didn't include grid, scale on this map. Its purpose is to test out the capacity to make big maps so t save time I skipped that part of this map. Another quick note is the mile makers on the roads, small pink dots are every 5 miles, large ones every 50 miles.


You can download the map here (99MB) JPG:


October Update


 Time for a much overdue update!

The last weeks have been the most hectic I have experienced in my decade or so doing this full time. Two conventions almost back to back, Virtual Greyhawk Con 5 and now Gamehole Con in a few days, wrapping up a big commission for Gamehole Publishing, running games that debuting Hawk Tales FRP. New solutions, software and more, so let’s dig into it.

Virtual Greyhawk Con 5

I had a bast playing, watching and interacting with all you fellow Greyhawk fans. An extended weekend of gaming galore, that could be conveniently experienced at my desk. I’m starting to like virtual conventions more and more. My seminar centered around my new generation Greyhawk maps and Hawk Tales FRP.

I played in some great games, which emphasized the fact that one of the best aspects of conventions are the different gaming experiences they offer, wonderful way to be inspired and learn new ways of doing things. Hawk Tales had its first real game run at VGHC5, and it was fun, and I hope the players had fun going after Iuzians east of Critwall. Considering it was the first real game run using an alpha version of the rules, it ran reasonably well. Proper character sheets were sorely needed, which I’m fixing for Gamehole Con next week.

Warden of the Eastern Marches

A setting by Gamehole Publishing for their new organized play program, and I did the map for it.

I did a map of this area some years ago, this was only going to be an update. My backup routines half a decade ago weren’t as rigorous as they are now (perfect backup cost a lot and are technically challenging) so I had lost my source files. This meant that as a punishment I had to start from scratch and redo the whole map in much more detail. In hindsight I’m glad I had to redo the map at a new improved standard.

It took me a few months where I spent most of my time away from Greyhawk. I’m now back  in Greyhawk again and after Gamehole it will be full time Greyhawk with several projects lined up.


I will make two maps for Troy over at Canibaal Publishing. A quick one that is on a tight schedule and needs to be ready in a couple of weeks, and a longer-term project. More on both soon.  

Another Greyhawk related commission is on the horizon, I don’t know much yet and can share even less, but it might have my maps in it. The good thing with these commissions are that they are all set in Greyhawk, which is the reason I said yet to do them.

A Miracle

Yesterday something happened that almost deserve to be described as a miracle, a new version of World Machine. I have not played with it yet, will do that on Friday on my twitch stream I think.

The release notes mention a whole range of new and improved goodies, and yes the Tiled Input bug that almost derailed me, is fixed. Now I have to re-evaluate which approach to take, there are several new options that might be better. I will take a couple of weeks to evaluate the new version when I get back from Wisconsin and see what it can do, then its time to see if “porta potty the whole way” or large areas first” are the best strategy. I’m also going to see how I can utilize Gaea 2’s strengths in this as well.

Great upgraded in the WM version are, a new memory management, GPU utilization and MUCH faster render.  Seems like most large scenes can be rendered in less than half the time, I’m fast moving away from rendering being the bottleneck to editing and touch-up holding me back. This is good for several reasons, more people can do Photoshop than have really fast computers, so teamwork can be easier to do. It is also a lot more fun to doodle in Photoshop that it is to manage renders, and with faster renders the inevitable crashes matters less. If the results are not good enough, changing things and render again is much easier, which means the end result will be improved.

I’m also intrigued by the new Erosion options in the new WM, hopefully it will bring it up on par with Gaea that has been leading in this field for a while. The few samples I’ve seen means much better maps. What used to seem like a distant dream with at least a decade of work, to map the Flanaess in high detail, is now something I plan for.

The combination of hardware improvements and now software catching up, means it feels like the 1990’s again. Getting started on a whole new cartography journey again, this time its not looking at Greyhawk from a huge distance, now its down in the weeds seeing the sights.

Gamehole Con

Early next week I’m off to my second Gamehole Con XI. My first one was Gamehole Con VII, and from what I’ve understood it has grown a lot since then. Meeting a lot of friends and colleagues in the business is always the best with conventions, and this year I’ve signed up for a lot of seminars to learn and see what is going on.     

I will have a seminar myself on Friday night, and run a 6 hour game on Saturday, the next episode of my Shield Lands Campaign, again using Hawk Tales FRP. I have more new monsters, and more Iuzian magic ready to unleash!









HTFRP: Alpha Rules Sample v1


 With Virtual Greyhawk Con 5 coming in a few days, and I'll run a Shield Lands games using an Alpha build of my Hawk Tales Rules, a pdf with some of the rules might be useful.

You can download the pdf here (1MB):

It covers:

The Combat Round

Actions and how a combat round is structured.


Who goes first and how to try and get ahead. Surprise and Interrupts. There are more ways to grab the action in HTFRP.

Attack and Damage
How Attack and Damage  rolls are calculated and even a little snipped on Friendly fire. I might need to write more about the "Anna Doctrine" into the

Defense Roll

The last bit in this little sample is about the Defense Roll. It is a way to lessen the workload for the GM and let the player roll the enemy's attacks as defense rolls.

Hawk Tales FRP – Goals


How I got here

Back in April last year I wrote my first post about what I then simply called my House Rules ( I had worked on them since back in 2019 when the 3.5/PF era was coming to an end and I wanted to have a system that would suit me even better. My plan back then was to use a published system as a base and then create a set of House Rules to go on top. At first, I leaned heavily into PF2 seeing a lot that I liked in it, but my players (and a lot others around me) pivoted towards 5E, so I also looked more and more towards 5E.

Now half a decade later both 5E and PF2 are being updated with new “half editions” with lots of revisions, I’m glad I got myself deeper and deeper into designing my own “heartbreaker” meaning version of the world’s oldest fantasy roleplaying game. Since my plan has been to give it away under Creative Commons I’m not worried about commercial success. The plan is to create something to improve my games, and maybe a few of you will like it as well!

The Goals back in my 2023 post where: Keep the D&D feel, 5E Compatibility, Not for Beginners, Skip Classes, More to do for the Players and Less for the GM. Tweaking the power curve by giving more HP to start with and start the Proficiency Bonus with a measly +1. A set of GM rules to guide more advanced stuff in the background, publish it using Creative Commons in PDF and Markdown formats.  

All of this are still at least somewhat still goals I’m striving for wit Hawk Tales, my working title for this project.  My 5E compatibility I’ve not abandoned by somewhat ignoring, 5E (or any edition) compatibility are not going to stop me from making rules that I think will work the best at my table.  The D&D feel, with terms and a lot of the basics still there to keep the connection to old (and newer) times gaming in Greyhawk, this will make sure that all the spells, monsters and magic items will be reasonably easy to convert back and forth.  


Player Agency

This is a key goal for this project. I want players at my table to have interesting, sometimes (I must admit) dire, but still choices for their characters even in critical situations. Like when to Make Death Saves, and even offer choices after character death (but that is not part of the Alpha Release).

Rules for Enchantments and things like Compel are one of the few rules that are different for player characters, compared to npc’s and monsters. All other rules are otherwise the same for all creatures in the game. A player character Compelling an NPC means the player makes an Influence (Str or Cha) Roll against the Save DC of the target. An Player Character on the other hand will instead of having to save to avoid being drawn in, will be offered Advantage and other perks to entice attacking.


Character Development – a key part of the game

It is too important to be left out of the story, what a character becomes should be the sum of the players wishes and what the story dictates. Characters in Hawk Tales don’t follow pre-planned formulas of classes, they start (if you start at low level) as an almost blank slate, to adventure and learn their way through the adventures it participates in.

It’s been the norm for a long time that characters are mainly “built” before the game starts, choose class, feats skills etc. Then as the campaign progresses you get to make a few career choices as your character levels up.

My goal is to have characters built more during games, as part of the story, rather than before. Concepts like class that has no real home in the game world will be gone, and instead your character will learn and get better at what it does in the game, and what you as a player want your character to be, which can vary throughout its adventuring career. Take things are you go, or have a specific goal, jack of all trades, or the world’s best in something specific. Both should be viable options, as well as wander back and forth between those goals and end up somewhere in between.

Setting and Story First

The rules are there to support the game, not take center place. This is another key aspect I want to emphasize. My goal is not to create the “coolest” mechanics, I want mechanics that do the job well enough to provide tension and interesting outcomes, but simple and easy enough to fade away. Rules should do a god job, and then just stay out of the way. This is not easy to do, but it is what I’m striving to accomplish.

The Setting (in my case Greyhawk) is for me, way more interesting than what rules I’m using. I’ve run my Greyhawk Campaign using AD&D1E, AD&D2E, D&D3E, D&D4E, PF1, PF2 and D&D5E. Back in the early days when I switched to a new ruleset I felt anticipation and new possibilities. That feeling started to wane after PF1 when I started to see as many problems as well as new cool ways of doing things.

I’m sure there are several reasons behind this, first me maturing both as a person and a gamer, understanding more and more how this works and what I want out of my games. Another aspect is that in the early years roleplaying was still a hobby in its infancy and new ideas and concepts where invented all the time. Nowadays it is a more mature hobby that has found a firmer footing, lots of interesting ways are still emerging, which is great, with more niche games catering to certain playstyles, themes etc.

After four decades of doing this, I now feel confident enough to try and get in the game (pun intended) and create a ruleset to best support the way I like to play and run my games. Since almost everything I run is Greyhawk, my goal is to try and create a set of rules to do just that.

Sharing how I go about this and my thinking behind it has several reasons, one key thing is that to have fun I need players who what to play in my games. Giving current and potential players a chance to see what I’m doing early gives them a chance to tell me what I’m doing wrong, and for new players to become interested. Having more brains looking at this and giving feedback will improve the end result. Also, it might be of interest to all you guys to give you another reason to sign up to my Patreon to help me spend more time on Greyhawk stuff.

Cooperative and GM fiat

Hawk Tales FRP requires, and assumes, responsible GM's and Players who are in the game to play TOGETHER and not adversarial. The game is not about outsmarting others. The rules are there to provide a framework to help guide the gameplay towards cooperative fun. I intend for the rules to be a bit less “firm” in nature than regular 5E and other games played by masses of players and used in organized play and other more demanding circumstances. HTFRP is designed for homebrew games where rules are tweaked to the groups liking. Both the way it is designed and will be published is with this in mind.

Mechanics and GM - Player work Balance

Combat rules are made to be playable in a “theatre of the mind, as well as using grid-based play on physical table or VTT.

The action structure is (if you are making an oversimplification) “You Either Attack or Do something Else”. There are some tweaks to this of course, but the basic is that you do one thing and move, on your turn each round.  The tweaks are that some spells are cast as attacks, and you can also interrupt others and take over the action in several ways. Reach, Ready and Delay have an increased importance on the battlefield.  

Streamlining is a key part to try and bring down the number of dice needed to be rolled and summed up each round. Multiple attacks are only rolled if you attack multiple creatures, otherwise damage is just increased. Using two weapons, use the worst of your to hit bonuses and make a single attack. Both spellcasters and martial characters will be able to make multiple attacks causing huge amount of damage when they level up.

Ability Modifiers, Proficiency, Expertise, Magic and a few other modifiers – most of them precalculated written on your character sheet. Advantage – Disadvantage takes care of the rest, a minimum of calculations during the game is the key.

Players do most of the dice rolling and number crunching. Defense and Damage rolls are (both ways) done by the players.

Players take care of a lot of rolls and number crunching, their characters circumstances and options, and with my goal of more player agency there should be more things to choose between than in a lot of other games. The slightly less burdened GM is instead given more elevated tasks to deal with, like enemy tactics, goals and things like resistances and whether some forms of magic are impeded in the battle.

Complexity is added not at the level of the action economy or combat modifiers, at this level I intend for the rules to be streamlined and simple. Instead, complexity is added at an higher level often overlooked in other rules systems. Magic is a good example of this, casting a spell in combat is usually pretty much done as we are used to in D&D, but there are other aspects to magic, like what powers the spell you just cast, will it work in the current environment, maybe it is even enhanced. How far can magic be detected, and by what senses. Can Iuz see (or maybe even hear the fireball you just cast and come and cause trouble.

Why do wizards, and a lot of temples often have towers, will a cave protect, or even hinder the use of a certain spell. Not something a fledgling wizard or priest need to worry about but as you take on more powerful opponents and travel to exotic and dangerous places will start to play a role.   

Below is Magic Missile


Magic Missile

Level: 1
School: Evocation
Casting Time: Action
Range: Long (120 feet)
Effect: Three Attacks
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous

A trio of glowing darts of magical force unerringly and simultaneously strike the targets. Magic Missile provides three attacks each dealing 1d4+1 force damage the caster can spend during his turn as per the normal rules for attacks.

Specialization (Evocation or Astral)

1: 4 Attacks
2: 5 Attacks
3: 6 Attacks
4: 7 Attacks

Expertise (Force)

Damage Dice Size Increase

Conduit: Arcane, Divine   Strain: Astral   Taint: None


Various forms of specializations and expertise can make a huge difference between the village shaman and an Arch Mage even when it comes to an individual spell. Lots of spells have attributes that change depending on how skilled the caster are. Terms like Conduit, Strain and Taint can play a key role in spellcasting.

There are eleven different Spell Components like Condition, Death, Exertion and Time to mention some of them. These can affect the caster in numerous ways, even permanent so be wary when using some magic!   

Let’s take a peek at a creature stat block to see that features it will contain, here is a Goblin as an example.

Most things ought to be very familiar to all who has played (or at least run a D&D game). A few things stand out, like Essence, Exertion, Prowess and the stats under Armor. Essence is what type of force drives the creature, it dictates what happens after death and might be behind some resistances and vulnerabilities.

Attacks are listed as DC’s as well as die rolls due to the use of Character Defense Rolls. Hardness, Minimum and Beatings are defensive characteristics used alongside AC. Armor reduces damage rather than the chance of getting hit. Most Armor has a Minimum which means the amount of damage it will let through when damaged. So regardless of armor, if you enter combat, you are most certainly get hit and suffer some damage, lower AC’s (since armor usually doesn’t increase it) also see to this. Beatings is another term I will explain more in a later post detailing combat.


Remember that all of this is early design and very much subject to change!