More Updated Heraldry!


Here are the next batch of updated heraldry, 60 this time including a few alternate versions.

You can grab them all in a zip file here:

My favorite in this batch are the Hobgoblins of the Pomarj

I'm very happy how the grit and dirt on this one turned out while still keeping the looks of the original illustration of the 83 boxed set. Encouraged by the results I tried the Goblin shield again, and this time I kind of like the result.

Trying to make the skulls dominating so many shields different from each other and look interesting, intimidating and believable is among the hardest in this project. With the Order of the Bone I feel I have succeeded in giving the reclusive cult a good representation. 

I went for a "what if you attach a piece of slate" kind of look, and I like the result.

A classic got a work over this time, Lord Robilar's famous heraldry.

I like the slightly over the top medieval look, I think it compliment the notorious man's legacy.

This brings up the total of heraldry in the new and updated series to 260 with about 100 more to go, which means that the goal of updating all of them this summer is going to happen. Then it is time to start work on a Greyhawk Heraldry Compendium!

Thank you so much for all of your support!! 🙂

Flanaess & Hepmonaland 576CY - Illustrator AI-file

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Flanaess & Hepmonaland 576CY Map - 2022 Edition


Here is the final version!!


JPG (287MB):

PDF (1.25GB):

Only recommend the PDF version for those with really powerful computers, the size of this map is in many ways too big for the PDF format. It has layers like older PDF versions.

Thank you all for supporting this project, it took a bit over a year and a lot of long hours of work but I'm really pleased with the result and it is a good leg to stand on until all the content can be migrated into a GIS based map.

Here is a list of the changes:

Changed the internal borders of the Duchy of Urnst to provincial.

Blackfriar Manor  --> Blackfair Manor

Shield Reclaimed - From Bastion of Faith

Removed misplaced Jewel River text label

Changed Fleichshriver to Freehold

Tweaked the roads of Freehold

Densac Gulf, Pearl Sea and Vohun Ocean labels placement adjusted

Johnsport, river and road adjustments

Blemu Castle added

Old Town of Blemu renamed to Harrowkeep

Knurl moved and border adjusted

Nivlek moved

Roads around Knurl adjusted

Named the road from Harrowkeep to Spinecastle, The Harrowing Road

Wild Coast, Town of Blue Bay added

South Olman Isle, added Atloxtin and Mahuatl

Narisban, added heraldry

Ratik, added Cavrik's Cove

Added Boval Islands

Added Estold Islands

Fharlanst Castle, moved a bit south

Mansbridge, moved east and changed to a small valled town

Hochoch moved to west side of the Realstream

The Docks added next to Stoink

Goldchasm moved further into the Adri

Adjusted Great Kingdom Adri border

Nanonshaven changed to Nannonshafen and moved westwards

Added Flosh Crossing, from Saga of Old city p259

Agnelford renamed Ongleford and moved to the Tessar Torrent west of Knurl

Oddgave Hill added from Saga of Old City

Sharpwall removed

Downslope removed

Adjusted Almor western border

Druid's Well moved further into the Adri

Added Ripper Hills

Changed Blemu Uplands to Tessar Uplands

Len Lakofka's elven town Labelas Grove and Treant Moot added in Axewood

Lo Nakar relocated a bit to the west to better match Amy Crittendens OJ35 article

The Eddri Line of keeps in Idee are now labeled

Heraldry added for Sybarate Isle

Sheldomar River, the first part renamed Kla'arkash River

Shiboleth moved north and roads rearragned

The Black Obeslisk site added in the Rushmoors

Riddlings Pass moved north

Added Rutherton and Mt Rantoloch in Tehn

Changed Sterich from a March to an Earldom

Uskedge  and its  Marchland added to the North Province

Red Falls changed to large town

Baronies of Highlander added

Split Rock added in the Rovers

Legend updated with Imperial borders, edited text and new sea depths

Lo Reltarma moved to Len's original locations on the small island

Pel Reltarma added

Lake Farmin removed

Garrotten moved to Lake Farmin

Manville moved to Garrotens old location

Asmogorgon upgraded to a town

Removed a few roads and sea lanes in the SW

Galesford added in Nyrond

Cepentar added in eastern Hardby territory

Macroom renamed Gysselen

Shanscross added in Veluna, from Saga of Old city

Road from Veluna city to Littleberg via Shanscross added

Stump in Furyondy moved north to the road to Laurelinn, from artifact of Evil

Pen-Wilds area added in the northern Barrier Peaks, from Sea of Death

Hardby heraldry updated

Bardillingham added in the Vale of the Mage, from Sea of Death Gord book

Added Jotslpat heraldry, CASL

Applebee removed

Ruined city of Zinbyle in the Sea of Dust is named

Added Jungle of Lost Ships

Added Turucambi

Dustbrigde heraldry added

River changes on the terrain map

Franz river and its tributaries


Nesser River


Added rivers along the cost of the Gulf of Ghayar

Chanded the small river flowing through Innspa

MeyerHawk - Shield Land Campaign Heraldry

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Project Idea: Blackmoor in Arneson's Honor

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Flanaess & Hepmonaland 576CY 2022 Atlas - first batch!

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Flanaess & Hepmonaland 576CY - 2022 - RC2 and Atlas


Time to finalize the 576CY map and ramp up the Atlas. I got a bunch of last minute stuff to look over and some of it made it into the map, most of it from the Gord books. So here are a second release candidate, and now the time for adding and changing the map as ended. Now its time try and weed out the typos and errors, so please go over it.

A not to the quality is not perfect on this export, it uses type antialiasing which are not as good on vector art, but better on type. The reason for this is that I have kept the Credits and Legend sections text editable in case a final adjustment is needed. I will outline all that in the final export and use a higher quality antialiasing.

You can find the EasyZoom version here:

And JPG here:

Final Change List

Changed the internal borders of the Duchy of Urnst to provincial.
Blackfriar Manor  --> Blackfair Manor
Shield Reclaimed - From Bastion of Faith
Removed misplaced Jewel River text label
Changed Fleichshriver to Freehold
Tweaked the roads of Freehold
Densac Gulf, Pearl Sea and Vohun Ocean labels placement adjusted
Johnsport, river and road adjustments
Blemu Castle added
Old Town of Blemu renamed to Harrowkeep
Knurl moved and border adjusted
Nivlek moved
Roads around Knurl adjusted
Named the road from Harrowkeep to Spinecastle, The Harrowing Road
Wild Coast, Town of Blue Bay added
South Olman Isle, added Atloxtin and Mahuatl
Narisban, added heraldry
Ratik, added Cavrik's Cove
Added Boval Islands
Added Estold Islands
Fharlanst Castle, moved a bit south
Mansbridge, moved east and changed to a small valled town
Hochoch moved to west side of the Realstream
The Docks added next to Stoink
Goldchasm moved further into the Adri
Adjusted Great Kingdom Adri border
Nanonshaven changed to Nannonshafen and moved westwards
Added Flosh Crossing, from Saga of Old city p259
Agnelford renamed Ongleford and moved to the Tessar Torrent west of Knurl
Oddgave Hill added from Saga of Old City
Sharpwall removed
Downslope removed
Adjusted Almost western border
Druid's Well moved further into the Adri
Added Ripper Hills
Changed Blemu Uplands to Tessar Uplands
Len Lakofka's elven town Labelas Grove and Treant Moot added in Axewood
Lo Nakar relocated a bit to the west to better match Amy Crittendens OJ35 article
The Eddri Line of keeps in Idee are now labeled
Heraldry added for Sybarate Isle
Sheldomar River, the first part renamed Kla'arkash River
Shiboleth moved north and roads rearragned
The Black Obeslisk site added in the Rushmoors
Riddlings Pass moved north
Added Rutherton and Mt Rantoloch in Tehn
Changed Sterich from a March to an Earldom
Uskedge  and its  Marchland added to the North Province
Red Falls changed to large town
Baronies of Highlander added
Split Rock added in the Rovers
Legend updated with Imperial borders, edited text and new sea depths
Lo Reltarma moved to Len's original locations on the small island
Pel Reltarma added
Lake Farmin removed
Garrotten moved to Lake Farmin
Manville moved to Garrotens old location
Asmogorgon upgraded to a town
Removed a few roads and sea lanes in the SW
Galesford added in Nyrond
Cepentar added in eastern Hardby territory
Macroom renamed Gysselen
Shanscross added in Veluna, from Saga of Old city
Road from Veluna city to Littleberg via Shanscross added
Stump in Furyondy moved north to the road to Laurelinn, from artifact of Evil
Pen-Wilds area added in the northern Barrier Peaks, from Sea of Death
Hardby heraldry updated
Bardillingham added in the Vale of the Mage, from Sea of Death Gord book

River changes on the terrain map

Franz river and its tributaries
Nesser River
Added rivers along the cost of the Gulf of Ghayar
Chanded the small river flowing through Innspa


Here is a look at the map layout for the 2022 Atlas.

98 Maps plus legend and Credits will make it a meaty 100 pages!

The PDF versions will be layered and have vector symbols and art keeping them both small in size and printing well as well as giving the user the option of hiding content.

You can can get the PDF versions of the first maps here:

The JPG versions are at the top of this post.

More Atlas maps will come seen as well as a look at hexed versions of the main map.

Thank you again for all the support!! 🙂

Flanaess & Hepmonaland 2022 - Release Candidate 1


Here comes a first "complete" look at the Flanaess Hepmonaland 2022 map. The legend are now fully present as well everything else that I had on my to do list. If you have additional last minute material or find typos and errors you have until Monday to report to me. Next week I need to start the final export of PDF versions, hexed version, and start the work on the Atlas.

There are always more I would have wanted to add, but that has to wait until the next upgrade. I have a couple of projects for major map upgrades in the early stages, more will come about that future posts soon.

You can get the RC1 EasyZoom version here:

and JPG here:

Here is the complete Change List:
Changed the internal borders of the Duchy of Urnst to provincial.
Blackfriar Manor  --> Blackfair Manor
Shield Reclaimed - From Bastion of Faith
Removed misplaced Jewel River text label
Changed Fleichshriver to Freehold
Tweaked the roads of Freehold
Densac Gulf, Pearl Sea and Vohun Ocean labels placement adjusted
Johnsport, river and road adjustments
Blemu Castle added
Old Town of Blemu renamed to Harrowkeep
Knurl moved and border adjusted
Nivlek moved
Roads around Knurl adjusted
Named the road from Harrowkeep to Spinecastle, The Harrowing Road
Wild Coast, Town of Blue Bay added
South Olman Isle, added Atloxtin and Mahuatl
Narisban, added heraldry
Ratik, added Cavrik's Cove
Added Boval Islands
Added Estold Islands
Fharlanst Castle, moved a bit south
Mansbridge, moved east and changed to a small valled town
Hochoch moved to west side of the Realstream
The Docks added next to Stoink
Goldchasm moved further into the Adri
Adjusted Great Kingdom Adri border
Nanonshaven changed to Nannonshafen and moved westwards
Added Flosh Crossing, from Saga of Old city p259
Agnelford renamed Ongleford and moved to the Tessar Torrent west of Knurl
Oddgave Hill added from Saga of Old City
Sharpwall removed
Downslope removed
Adjusted Almost western border
Druid's Well moved further into the Adri
Added Ripper Hills
Changed Blemu Uplands to Tessar Uplands
Len Lakofka's elven town Labelas Grove and Treant Moot added in Axewood
Lo Nakar relocated a bit to the west to better match Amy Crittendens OJ35 article
The Eddri Line of keeps in Idee are now labeled
Heraldry added for Sybarate Isle
Sheldomar River, the first part renamed Kla'arkash River
Shiboleth moved north and roads rearragned
The Black Obeslisk site added in the Rushmoors
Riddlings Pass moved north
Added Rutherton and Mt Rantoloch in Tehn
Changed Sterich from a March to an Earldom
Uskedge  and its  Marchland added to the North Province
Red Falls changed to large town
Baronies of Highlander added
Split Rock added in the Rovers
Legend updated with Imperial borders, edited text and new sea depths
Lo Reltarma moved to Len's original locations on the small island
Pel Reltarma added
Lake Farmin removed
Garrotten moved to Lake Farmin
Manville moved to Garrotens old location
Asmogorgon upgraded to a town
Removed a few roads and sea lanes in the SW

River changes on the terrain map

Franz river and its tributaries
Nesser River
Added rivers along the cost of the Gulf of Ghayar
Chanded the small river flowing through Innspa

Flanaess & Hepmonaland 2022 - Preview 6


Here we go again, but this time it might be the last preview!

I've go through my list of things that are reasonably to add or change in this edition, and the feedback with things to add and typos are down to a trickle. Thank you all for all the great feedback and help with this edition, it couldn't be done with you guys!

the main focus for this iteration are the legend and Lendore isle fixes. The legend are now updated with the Imperial borders and I have edited the text to try and get the errors fixed.

Sea Depths have been updated to better match the Oerth model. 

Lendore Isle have also been given some TLC. Lo Reltarma are now located where Len wanted it and Pel Reltarma located in its place on the main island. Garrotten and Manville are relocated and a few more labels added. Its far from complete but its progress at least. Lendore Isles are on my todo list for a detailed study that keep getting cougt up delays.

Here are the Complete Change List:
Changed the internal borders of the Duchy of Urnst to provincial.
Blackfriar Manor  --> Blackfair Manor
Shield Reclaimed - From Bastion of Faith
Removed misplaced Jewel River text label
Changed Fleichshriver to Freehold
Tweaked the roads of Freehold
Densac Gulf, Pearl Sea and Vohun Ocean labels placement adjusted
Johnsport, river and road adjustments
Blemu Castle added
Old Town of Blemu renamed to Harrowkeep
Knurl moved and border adjusted
Nivlek moved
Roads around Knurl adjusted
Named the road from Harrowkeep to Spinecastle, The Harrowing Road
Wild Coast, Town of Blue Bay added
South Olman Isle, added Atloxtin and Mahuatl
Narisban, added heraldry
Ratik, added Cavrik's Cove
Added Boval Islands
Added Estold Islands
Fharlanst Castle, moved a bit south
Mansbridge, moved east and changed to a small valled town
Hochoch moved to west side of the Realstream
The Docks added next to Stoink
Goldchasm moved further into the Adri
Adjusted Great Kingdom Adri border
Nanonshaven changed to Nannonshafen and moved westwards
Added Flosh Crossing, from Saga of Old city p259
Agnelford renamed Ongleford and moved to the Tessar Torrent west of Knurl
Oddgave Hill added from Saga of Old City
Sharpwall removed
Downslope removed
Adjusted Almost western border
Druid's Well moved further into the Adri
Added Ripper Hills
Changed Blemu Uplands to Tessar Uplands
Len Lakofka's elven town Labelas Grove and Treant Moot added in Axewood
Lo Nakar relocated a bit to the west to better match Amy Crittendens OJ35 article
The Eddri Line of keeps in Idee are now labeled
Heraldry added for Sybarate Isle
Sheldomar River, the first part renamed Kla'arkash River
Shiboleth moved north and roads rearragned
The Black Obeslisk site added in the Rushmoors
Riddlings Pass moved north
Added Rutherton and Mt Rantoloch in Tehn
Changed Sterich from a March to an Earldom
Uskedge  and its  Marchland added to the North Province
Red Falls changed to large town
Baronies of Highlander added
Split Rock added in the Rovers
Legend updated with Imperial borders, edited text and new sea depths
Lo Reltarma moved to Len's original locations on the small island
Pel Reltarma added
Lake Farmin removed
Garrotten moved to Lake Farmin
Manville moved to Garrotens old location
Asmogorgon upgraded to a town

River changes on the terrain map 

Franz river and its tributaries
Nesser River
Added rivers along the cost of the Gulf of Ghayar
Chanded the small river flowing through Innspa

EasyZoom version here:

JPG version:

Flanaess Hepmonaland 2022 - Preview 5

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