Time for the midsize Handout Maps. These shows the whole of the Flanaess in yet again various forms of fantasy like maps for use in game.
15 different variants in a 262MB zip file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uf1gc3ujm8ekx1w/Flanaess%20Handout%20Maps%206000px.zip?dl=0
Nex are the detailed variants that comes in full size 17000 pixels across, or in more bite sized variants. I'm working on them at the moment but hope to have them ready in a couple of days.
I will do a Twitch livestream tomorrow at 8PM EST together with Lord Gusumba. We are going to try and adapt my Flanaess map to his campaign by adding things unique to his campaign and renaming or removing things not needed for his game.
You can find out this long time running Greyhawk Campaign here: https://www.twitch.tv/lordgosumba
Here comes the first batch of Flanaess Handout Maps. These depicts a primitive whole Flanaess Map without much detail on various materials. From gold and copper through stone to parchment and paper, these are for you to mark the X on those mysterious locations you want your adventurers to search for.
You can grab them in a zip file here:
This is just a small first portion of Handout maps, plenty more to come!
Thank you so much for your support!
A quick note about licensing:
I have now changed from Creative Commons 4.0 -BY -NC, and now publish my Greyhawk maps using the Creative Commons 4.0 -BY -NC -SA license.
The difference is that sharing and derivative work now have to be done using the same licence. So you are still allowed (even even encouraged) to use, alter and share my Greyhawk maps just like before, but you are not allowed to do so unless you keep using this license.
Making the change to make sure that even the all the work based on these maps should also be available to all GH fans as well.
Time to release it to the crow and of course I wanted to post here first, since this is only possible with your support!
A new version Release Candidate 2 will be the first version on general release. The only change is the addition of Quagmire's Lair in the Pellissio Swamp.
The Easy Zoom version can be found here:
and hexed version here:
JPG version here:
PDF version here:
JPG in parts here:
This is what will be released this weekend for everyone. Next week there will be time for the Handout Maps and another special surprise, more about that in a few days.
Thank you all for making it possible for me to work on greyhawk and get this done!
Time to reveal what I have planned for this Christmas (or Needfest!) Handout Maps!
This is a type of maps that have been sadly lacking in my arsenal, so it's being given some extra attention right now.
I'm working on a number of different styles some more mysterious than others, and those with lots of details will come in both Player and DM versions.
There will be maps covering the whole Flanaess, regional maps and a whole slew of countries and other areas of interest. Hopefully it will cover your adventurers every need in order to get into trouble.
Each image will be up to 6000px for the largest and in JPG format. My Cartographer backers will get my Photoshop layered templates so they can create more as needed. Adventurer backers will get my personal Campaign maps as well with some additional variants.
They will be available for free on my website and hopefully in the Realm Works Content Market spring 2019!
Have been doing some secret flying...
Actually this is a test if it is possible to create realistic aerial photography, and this is the result after a couple of hours. What do you guys think, something to spend more time on next year?
With number of Legends & Lore Shows in the Greyhawk Channel on Twitch, it is now time for me to also do some more map focused Twitch live streams on my own Twitch Channel at https://www.twitch.tv/anna_b_meyer
This week will feature my Spread Maps, and I will try and create a number of historic maps covering various empires and nations of the Flanaess throughout its history.
As a test I will be on the patron-talk channel on my Discord server. so those of you who are on it can use the voice channel and chat with me live during the stream.
Just a little extra, a Greyhawk Calendar ready to be used in Realm Works or separate.
You can download the original here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/msulpfnn017lz22/The%20Common%20Year.jpg?dl=0
After a lot of hard (well if mapping can be seen as hard!) work the flanaess 2018 Edition is ready, here is the Release Candidate 1. The first major Greyhawk work I've done in nearly five years, thank you so much for your help. I couldn't do this without your support and encouragement!
Here is a list of all the changes made since last years map
Terrain Map Edits:
- Overall Colors adjusted
- Refined Coastlines
- Baklunish West overhaul for variation
- Baklunish coastal areas and islands are now home to forests and way more variety to better
match text sources
- River systems added in the horned Lands and Land of Iuz
- Meteor Crater added in the Abbor-Alz
- Rivers added in the Abbor-Alz
- Ocean depths are slightly blurred
- Hundreds of minor corrections
Added Tal Aska in the Vesve
Added Fairdells area in Highfolk
Greyhawk Heraldry - removed a chain link
Settlements near Tringlee - Harrington, Glodnen, Dariax and Loradden
Brannigan's Farm - Highfolk
Island names near Dyvers
Village of Bracken
New Iuz Heraldry
New Heraldry for the Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom
Added the Provences of Greyhawk
Added City of Bureis
Added sea lanes to Bureis
Changed icon for Kongen-Thulnir
Added Gnomiskillin
Added Rigodruok
Changed symbol of the Zagig Bridge
Changed Keaton to Keaford
Changed Ice Giant Caverns to Hold of Grugnur
Added Fort Critwall
Added River Taal
Added Town of Rawlins
Removed Forgotten City
Moved Xuxulieto to the location of Forgotten City
Added Hraak Pass
Added Mt Vroom
Corrected Artonsbruek spelling and placement
Added Hands of Light Heraldry
Added Dunrealta Keep
Added Black Rock Tower
Added Small rivers in Bandit Kingdoms
Added Firewatch Island
Added Minor rivers
Corrected Hellstone Tower label
Added Csipros Erd
Added Ruins of Baklarran
Added a Crater in Abbor-Alz
Added the Great Meridian
Added Sasserine Heraldry
Added Janasib Pennant
Added Ataphad Pennant
Added Bakhoury Coast
Added Heraldry of Bakhoury Coast
Corrected Hardby is a Large City
Corrected placement of Pits of Azak-Zil
Added Star Cairns
Added Salakesh Cove
Changes in the RC1
Added Demonskar Crater
Corrected the missing symbol for Sarndt
Added Far Banks
Added Near Domain local border
Corrected Duchy of Tehn Heraldry color
Added the Town of Synford
Added the Village of Hommel
Added the Village of Flanhome
Added a Small Site near Groucester
Added the Village of Talloc
Added Charging Boar Inn
Adjusted Western border of Bissel
Added Kwalish
Added Daoine Gloine
Corrected Labeled Hardby Mariners heraldry
Added Heraldry for the City of Hardby
It is now up to your critical gaze, so please pour over it and tell me what needs to be fixed and we have about a month to do so before it goes on out in the world.
You can grab the PDF (255MB) here:
JPG version here (252MB):
9-part JPG here:
A I was going about placing the locations from WotC's new adventure Lost Laboratory of Kwalish when I saw this..
Seems like there are endless number of special places in the Barriers Peaks.. 😮
This wraps up the development of 2018 Edition!
The Release Candidate will be in your hands, well hard drives at least, tomorrow. You will get a month of exclusive scrutinizing, then it will go on a public release mid December.
After the holidays when I have had a look at incoming reports of errors, I will create all the various variants of the map, like online 12 parts, Realm Works etc.
This has been a tough slog, but I'm happy with the upgrade 🙂
Big thanks to all my Patrons who make it possible for me to invest serious time and effort into Greyhawk again!!!
The 2018 Edition have drowned out most other activity here, something i'm very well aware of and truly sorry for. Higher tier rewards have been very scarce lately which means that for a while going forward there will be an emphasis on higher tier content.
Video's and streaming is something I'm setting up for, and co-hosting the Legend & Lore Show for the Greyhawk channel have taught me a lot about how to do things like this.
Work on the Lendore Isle is also back on the agenda again with a new version of World Machine and a new improved way of doing things.
Those pesky rivers will have another work over...
A deep dive into Photoshop will be the main focus for December with video's, Hemponaland mapping and tips and tricks.
My experimental time will mainly be spent on learning QGIS and Gaea, two new tools in my box that will hopefully make for better maps and more fun making them.
Thank you again for your support!