Horned Society - a new take


The topic of tonight's Legends & Lore Show on LordGosumba's Twitch channel is Horned Society, so I decided to have a look at their symbol from the boxed 1983 boxed set.

With the use of Midjourney and Photoshop this is the result. 

Not too shabby for a quick and dirty first try. The red color of the bone was the difficult part, which one do you like best?

Heraldry Design for Greyhawk - a fictitious example.

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Mapping Live Stream


Will try and have a Mapping live Stream tonight at 5PM PDT/8PM EDT. Linda Buth will join for the first time tonight working on 3D  fantasy buildings. I'll work on stuff the the upcoming Virtual Greyhawk Convention.


Custom Map Tier Q&A 1

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Flanaess & Hepmonaland 598 CY Map - 2022 Edition: Illustrator source file.


Here is a link to the AI file (4.04GB): https://www.dropbox.com/s/d5itd553brpmjx1/Flanaess%20%26%20Hepmonaland%20Map%20598%20CY%20-%202022%20-%20Public.ai?dl=0

All the terrain and other bitmaps is embedded into the Illustrator file. All the text is outlined, both for performance, and for making sure that exports and prints looks right. It is a beast of a file so be careful downloading it and use a download manager if you have issues.

Here is a font guide to make sure you have the right fonts installed to enable seamless edits. 

Text and graphics style templates are embedded in the document, as well as symbols. So all you should need are the latest version of Illustrator, the fonts and a really powerful computer.

This is hopefully my latest major version of this map before migrating the project over to GIS, and it is as big as something can get using Illustrator. 

Custom Map Tier

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Flanaess & Hepmonaland 598 CY - 2022 Edition


Here comes the first of the 598 CY 2022 Edition - non hexed JPG and EasyZoom versions.

JPG (280MB): https://www.dropbox.com/s/pi1jvfl7gcz7cr2/Flanaess%20%26%20Hepmonaland%20Map%20598%20CY%20-%202022.jpg?dl=0

EasyZoom: https://www.easyzoom.com/image/356079

Change list

Implemented all the relevant changes from the 576CY 2022 map update:

Changed the internal borders of the Duchy of Urnst to provincial.

Blackfriar Manor  --> Blackfair Manor

Shield Reclaimed - From Bastion of Faith

Tweaked the roads of Freehold

Densac Gulf, Pearl Sea and Vohun Ocean labels placement adjusted

Johnsport, river and road adjustments

Blemu Castle added

Old Town of Blemu renamed to Harrowkeep

Knurl moved and border adjusted

Nivlek moved

Roads around Knurl adjusted

Named the road from Harrowkeep to Spinecastle, The Harrowing Road

Wild Coast, Town of Blue Bay added

South Olman Isle, added Atloxtin and Mahuatl

Narisban, added heraldry

Ratik, added Cavrik's Cove

Added Boval Islands

Added Estold Islands

Fharlanst Castle, moved a bit south

Mansbridge, moved east and changed to a small valled town

Hochoch moved to west side of the Realstream

The Docks added next to Stoink

Goldchasm moved further into the Adri

Adjusted Great Kingdom Adri border

Nanonshaven changed to Nannonshafen and moved westwards

Added Flosh Crossing, from Saga of Old city p259

Agnelford renamed Ongleford and moved to the Tessar Torrent west of Knurl

Oddgave Hill added from Saga of Old City

Druid's Well moved further into the Adri

Added Ripper Hills

Changed Blemu Uplands to Teesar Uplands

Len Lakofka's elven town Labelas Grove and Treant Moot added in Axewood

Lo Nakar relocated a bit to the west to better match Amy Crittendens OJ35 article

The Eddri Line of keeps in Idee are now labeled

Sheldomar River, the first part renamed Kla'arkash River

Shiboleth moved north and roads rearragned

The Black Obeslisk site added in the Rushmoors

Riddlings Pass moved north

Added Rutherton and Mt Rantoloch in Tehn

Uskedge  and its  Marchland added to the North Province

Red Falls changed to large town

Baronies of Highlander added

Split Rock added in the Rovers

Legend updated with Imperial borders, edited text and new sea depths

Lo Reltarma moved to Len's original locations on the small island

Pel Reltarma added

Lake Farmin removed

Garrotten moved to Lake Farmin

Manville moved to Garrotens old location

Asmogorgon upgraded to a town

Removed a few roads and sea lanes in the SW

Galeford added in Nyrond

Cepentar added in eastern Hardby territory

Macroom renamed Gysselen

Shanscross added in Veluna, from Saga of Old city

Road from Veluna city to Littleberg via Shanscross added

Stump in Furyondy moved north to the road to Laurelinn, from artifact of Evil

Pen-Wilds area added in the northern Barrier Peaks, from Sea of Death

Hardby heraldry updated

Bardillingham added in the Vale of the Mage, from Sea of Death Gord book

Added Jotslpat heraldry, CASL

Applebee removed

Ruined city of Zinbyle in the Sea of Dust is named

Added Jungle of Lost Ships

Added Turucambi

Dustbrigde heraldry added

River changes on the terrain map

Franz river and its tributaries


Nesser River


Added rivers along the cost of the Gulf of Ghayar

Chanded the small river flowing through Innspa

Additional updates

Ahlissa and North Kingdom heraldry added

Added the Mines of Father Eye in the Bright Desert

Added the Hold of Jarl Gnorak west of Sterich

Added Krabalsthorpe

Adjusted border of the Free Reaver's

Added Urzun heraldry

Added Kazgund

Corrected The Mines of Father Eye,  Bright Desert

Added Twilight Monastery

Tamoachan moved SW to a location better matching original module location, research by DH Boggs

Ruarto Plateau from Tamoachan added

Added Temple of Celestial Winds, from Dungeon #89

Added Free Reaver's heraldry

Added Free Borough heraldry

Adjusted and reclassified borders in empire of Iuz.

Upgraded settlements in occupied Shield Lands to match the latest 576CY map

Veralos ruin added at the Rift Canyon

Downgraded some Bandit Kingdoms roads to Tertiary.

Added mile markers to all roads

Callistor - location and roads adjusted

Fantasy Mapping Show 15 - Workspace & Workflow


Come and join Alyssa Faden, Jay Scott and me tonight for the Fantasy Mapping Show Ep 15. We will talk about our setups, tools and how we go about things. 

https://www.twitch.tv/lordgosumba @8PMEDT!

Flanaess & Hepmonaland 598 CY - Release Candidate


Here comes what I hope is the final version with updated credits as well. So please make sure that if you are a $3/month tier patron member or higher your name (or nickname) should be in the list.

Other changes since the preview: Callistor location is adjusted a little bit to accommodate better road access to Beetu, as described in the Marklands. This was something I did on my Campaign map but forgot to add to the public map todo list.

There are still some issues with some symbols looking a bit wonky, that is due to me using text antialiasing. I want to keep the credits text editable until the final release, and in order to make the text easier to read I'm using text antialiasing. For the final map I will outline all text and use art antialiasing which will make the symbols and other vector art export better.  

Here is the JPG version (269MB): https://www.dropbox.com/s/p7i0hytrlwovxnd/Flanaess%20%26%20Hepmonaland%20Map%20598%20CY%20-%202022-%20RC.jpg?dl=0

And here is the EasyZoom version: https://www.easyzoom.com/imageaccess/d659f3b3e2ab454bb3b5c32a2ab214e9

Final map export will be done Monday and then released asap. The only changes I plan to make are typos and credits. The rest have been out for preview for a month and its time to settle this edition. Thank you everyone for your support and help, this project is now 99% done! 🙂 

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