My main project this summer is the Atlas of the Flanaess 576 CY, and I'm glad to report is coming along according to plan. Map 1-27 is already done and you can get them here:
The Atlas is my attempt to create an atlas of the Greyhawk setting that can be printed or used digitally. The Flanaess will be covered on 50 maps, each of the covering a 11x17 inch two page spread, and will be available as print quality PDF's both with and without bleed as well as a combined JPG format for digital use.
The atlas will come with a master index listing everything on the map, and that work is being being done in parallel by Duane Costa, a huge thanks to Duane for helping me out with that labour intensive part!
There will be overview maps, political maps and more when it is all done in october. The plan is to have it ready for Virtual Greyhawk Con and it will be one of the topics for my seminar at the con.
The other main topic will be my own Greyhawk campaign and of course it will be presented with maps, lots of maps! Anew updated Flanaess Campaign Map will be available in time for the seminar so you can see all the weirdness going on in my take on our beloved setting.
My next campaign will be set in the Shield Lands in 598 CY, a land now divided between the Knights of Holy Shielding, Iuz, Morgenstaler and a couple of unknown factions as well, all trying to outmaneuver each other in the struggle to take and keep control of the torn lands between the Veng River, the Rift Canyon, the White Plume Mountain and the Nyr Dyv.
One of the major tools for this campaign will be a new set of Greyhawk maps covering a large area of the Shield Lands at a detail few fantasy worlds have ever been seen at, and you will have a chance to take a peek at it during my seminar.
I will take a week off from my Atlas mapping to catch up on social media, work more on the Shield Lands map, my Oerth project and this website adding old stuff that have been asked for, making it available again.
Thank you again all for all your support, very much appreciated and make sure to stay safe!
Quick update, and lest start with an error on the Atlas maps. I have forgot to make the sea lanes layer visible on some of the latest maps I've done. So please hold off on printing them until I have corrected map done and uploaded, which will be a couple of days. I don't have to re-do everything, just a few changes and then a new export. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. I'll post here again when the corrected maps are ready.
Now on to another important issue that I forgot to post about earlier sorry about this late post. Due to new laws passing in several countries and US states, Patreon will be required to start charging sales tax on some pledges starting July 1st.
Less than half of all patrons will be charged sales tax, and for most, the amount will be very small. For example, sales tax rates in the US range from 4% to 11%, so on a $5 pledge, that would be between 20 cents and 55 cents.
Whether or not you will be charged sales tax depends on your location, and what is considered taxable there. Not every pledge is taxable, not all benefits are taxable in every location, and sometimes only a fraction of a pledge will be taxable. The money that Patreon collects as a result of these laws are paid directly to local governments.
I’m working closely with Patreon to ensure I’m able to save you as much money as possible when it comes to sales tax - which is not something that’s possible with other platforms.
If you’re in a location where sales tax will be required, you should expect to receive an email from Patreon with more information about this very soon, but I wanted to make sure you were aware of these changes way ahead of July 1st when they go into effect.
If you have questions, you should be able to find answers here. If you still have questions, the best place to get an answer is from Patreon’s customer support team, here.
Now onto more fun stuff - Virtual Greyhawk Con!
This convention is a collaboration between a number of Twitch Streamers and other Greyhawk creators to get together virtually to play games set in - and talk about the setting.
Here is a link to the con page on Tabletop Events:
I'm going to have a 2 hour seminar, with the focus on my campaign. It will be lots of maps of course but also talk about what is going on in my version of the setting. New campaign map goodies will be revealed, and I plan to officially release the Atlas!
The Atlas is finally coming together, with the first 5 maps are done and you can get them here:
Thanks to great help from Duane Costa, the indexing of the maps are under way in parallel, thank you so much for helping out.
My goal is to have at least 5 map done per week, and then add in the additional maps required as work progress.
I hope everyone are doing well despite all current troubles and I'm sorry for being a more that a little late with getting the first Atlas map out the door. The Atlas is a difficult project for me since its is designed not for someone with my own passions and needs, this is project for those who wants a set of Greyhawk maps well suited for printing and also giving a hand in finding their way around the setting.
Each map will come in several different formats, the first is as two high resolution PDF files each covering a 11x17 page with bleed and binding margin (seen next to each other above). This is the version you need if you want to take it to a printer and order a print of them bounded into a book. The bounding margin in the center overlaps to make sure the entire map is visible across the spread.
You can get the left and right PDF's here:
A version without the bleed and the margins are also available for those who want to print using a printer at home and want to make it match a 11x17 inch paper.
You can get the PDF's here:
The third version is the whole map as a single JPG perfect for use on a computer or tablet. You can get it here:
This is the first version of what each map will look like and my plans are to cover the Flanaess with 50 of these maps, which I hope will have each area of interest well covered on at least one of the maps. Below is a overview image of the map coverage layout.
The different colors are only to make it a bit easier to understand. The arrows along the borders of each map also help you find the map next.
The maps themselves are only one part of this project, the indexing of all the text labels on the map is another vital part of this, and a massive undertaking with somewhere around 25 000 to 40 000 names on the map it will take some serious work to get then all into a spreadsheet.
Each map will use an alpha numerical square reference numbering For example:
Greyhawk 16:D-6
Verbobonc 16:E-3
All the main maps will have be of the same scale, this is not by design it is a limitation due to Illustrator makes it hard to resize the map and keeping the size of the labels. Larger size maps derived from my main map would be way too cluttered in many areas, and adjusting all these labels by hand would require a week or more per map so it's not really practical.
I'm well aware of this these limits and planning to move the Greyhawk mapping over to using GIS technology, which will make a whole new range of things like scales, various formats and publishing platforms supported with much less work involved. My plans are that this is the last major project without the use of a Geographic Information System technologies as a base.
There will be a number of overview maps in the 576 CY Atlas, including a political overview of the Flanaess to make it easier for beginners of the setting to find their way around.
At least two appendix will be made, a heraldry listing as is appropriate for a Greyhawk product listing all the heraldry of the Flanaess that I can fit in. The other appendix is a much asked for feature, a module index listing map references associated with each module.
I have two new blog posts with new heraldry and terrain only maps over on my website:
Above is a look at the layout without the bleed and binding margin, which is how it will look in its format for digital use.
Below is the left page with bleed and margins.
and the right page
So please check them out for problems and improvements.
A reminder for tomorrow's Discord planning meeting at 6pm PDT.
Items on the agenda:
Now I'm off to Twitch for some Greyhawk talk with Jay Scott, Mike Bridges and Bryan Blumklotz in this week's Legend & Lore: Heraldry is the topic!!
Please join us at
The heraldry presented in this week's show will be available after the show!
Hi Everyone!
You are invited to a Discord meeting this Thursday May 21 @6pm PTD to plan the listing work for the atlas. So if you're interested in helping me get all the places on the map into Excel so they can be properly listed and inserted on the correct map pages.
If this sounds interesting the join my discord server (if you haven't already done so), and if you are a patreon member (not a requirement) you can connect your Discord with Patreon and this will happen automatically.
Here is in invite that is valid for 24 hours:
When you arrive at my server please state that you are interested in helping out, and I'll add you to the Atlas Project Group.
First I must say welcome to all new members, thank you so much for helping me do this!!
Here comes a new map layout proposal for using maps that spread across both pages. I've tried to keep them horizontal, but four areas seem to be better served by using a vertical orientation.
With 53 maps I think most countries and regions of the Flanaess are reasonably well covered. The colors are only to make it easier to set them apart.
Numbering are an another issue altogether, and this test is a first try to keep the major regions in sequence, but is that something preferable. This example might also show my biases for which areas I'm most interested in. Each map only have one set of numbers but spread over two pages.
My thinking here is to use map numbers instead of page numbers, since it is one map split over two pages. This saves margin space for other things and keep the clutter down, is this a good idea?
When the page layout and what area each map spread should cover it is time to look at the settlement lists and index, and how we can split up all the work of index every place on every map.
I know I'm being very picky and cautious with this, but it needs to be set up right before producing the map pages. I don't want to have to go back and redo things, better to think a bit extra and do it right the first time.
My Patreon have leveled up today, we are now 250 members!!
Thank you so much for helping me fulfill my dream of using the world of Greyhawk to try and set new standards in mapping a fantasy world.
To celebrate this I'll do a number of special things this week. Today I'll try and stream a live work session on my Discord server tonight @6pm PDT . If you are not already on it here is an invite:
Thank you again for your support!!
Here is a good look at the latest version of the Atlas page layout. I'm really starting to like this setup. Lots of features, but still a fairly consistent look. The page numbers and titles are a bit too big I think, so I'm going to make them smaller to make more room.
Added the heraldry for the nation in focus, it booth looks cool and it can be removed from the map to not cover the terrain.
The settlement list is just a placeholder but it can work to have the list like that. The minimap will also need a bit of adjustment to make sure all of it is inside the bleed. Over all I think the template is coming together.
Now it's time to prepare for the execution of this. I'm going to set up a special group on my Discord server to manage this. For those of you who are not members yet here is an invite:
I'm also going to test live stream some of this work on my Discord as well.