The Bitter North 598 CY


Finally, after a wave errors and problems that always comes up in projects like this, here is a first proper GIS based map. It is a fist in a series of maps optimized for digital use covering the whole of the Flanaess at 1;2,000,000 scale using Orthographic (or more correctly an Oerthographic!) Projection.

Despite having worked with QGIS for about 5 years I still is very much still in the learning phase, trying to push the limits on what is possible to do. This first map have taken me days to get right. I had issues with my cities, which after a deep investigation turned out to be errors from my initial setup still being present. After some workarounds I managed to get it to export properly. This will need to data cleanup and rebuild which is on my to do list for January 2025.

I also discovered that changing presentation can mess tings up, which happened with border classifications which meant that I have to redo most province and local borders, which I will do bit by bit that is covered by each map. If I ignore my learning pains this was a very easy map to create, and I have a whole series lined up to be done over the holidays.

It comes comes in JPG (31.3 MB):

Layered PDF (539 MB):

Layered PSD (1.6GB):

The PSD version is great for creating player versions, load it in a program that can open PSD's and hide what you don't want your players to see.

It has two grids. A white 100-mile grid for distance measuring, and a 2-degree black Lat. Lon. grid for referencing.

Roads and Sea Lanes have markers, small ones every 5 miles, and bigger ones every 50 miles.  

Thank you so much to all of you for making this possible, it is a bit late but it looks as good as I wanted it to, and I'm very optimistic about GIS possibilities going forward.

I which you all a Merry Christmas, and I will be back very soon with more!