Old Ferrond 598 CY (updated)


Here comes the core part of the Greyhawk Setting, in the new GIS updated format.

JPG (39.5MB): https://annabmeyer.com/Downloads/GIS/2Million/Ferrond/Ferrond%20-%202%20Million%20-%202025-01-04.jpg

Layered PDF (857.5MB):

Layered PSD (1.9GB): https://annabmeyer.com/Downloads/GIS/2Million/Ferrond/Ferrond%20-%202%20Million%20-%202025-01-04%20-%20public.psd

Now I will take a brake from the GIS maps and prepare for PAGE2 convention in Philly. I will work on the adventure, some location maps and the Hawk Tale alpha rules, so there will be some posts about various little things until I get back home from the east cost again.


Corrected Imeryd's Run. Changed the published date and file name.