Here comes the final GIS Test map - Hepmonaland.
This time i used the simpler vector heraldry, it might be the best for this type of map. It comes with a 250 mile square grid. Due to the size of Hepmonaland, symbols and text appear small, despite being equal in size to the other test maps. This is due to me using symbols and text sizes based on real world measurements. This is so they will work better in an digital environment, easy to read closeup but disappearing as you zoom out. The upcoming series of maps designed for printing will use sizes defined by how large thy will be on the print.
You can download the map here (JPG 61.6MB):
Make sure yo download the file, it is probably too big to view in your browser.
I'm sorry for a bit of a delay. I was out with my Dog Chico a week ago, and we ran downhill for fun, which didn't end well for me. I tumbled and hit the curb and sidewalk really bad. Broke a rib, severely sprained an ankle and injured a knee. It kept me in bed for a few days and I've been slowly hobbling back to normality, now I can get around pretty good and even work for a coupe of hours at a time without painkillers. This proves I'm getting old and should be more careful. Chico was a champ and stayed with me to make sure I was alright, while I was stubborn enough to walk a mile home. That came back to bite me, but I'm on the mend!
Next up is for me to put together all the files into a GeoPackage, will post that for all Cartography tier Patreons very soon.