Seminar Live Stream


Back home from a week in Wisconsin at Gary Con XVII, with lots of fun, friends and gaming!

During the convention I held a two hour seminar talking about my cartography endeavors. I didn't have a chance to record or stream it, so I will run it again on my Twitch Channel this Friday the 28th @6PM PDT.

I will show the slides comment and answers as many questions as possible. During this stream I have access to all my stuff which means I can show some more things than my old laptop can cope with.

See you on Friday! 🙂

Flanaess Core 598 CY -updated!


UPDATE: I saw that the 100 mile grid was calculated using a wrong projection so it wasn't accurate. I have now fixed that and updated the map version to 2025-03-04, and changed the links, so please download the new versions to get the correct grid and scale.

This map is both to fill a gap in the Digital 1:2,000,000 scale series and also a test to se how far I could push QGIS.

The goal for this map was to create an overview map in the same scale as the rest in the series. Make it as big as QGIS allowed and center it on the core part of the setting. QGIS allows for 30,000 pixels as a had maximum, and with a fixed scale meant I had to work within these constraints.

I tried hard to get everything east of the the Crystalmists onto the map, and almost succeeded. Test to let it overflow a bit on the Thillonrian to show it is a peninsula, but the Sea Barons are still a stump. I'm not happy with it, but it is a compromise I have to live with when working with a scale and a max size.

This map is using the Robinson World Projection which is a "compromise" projection with less deformation and works reasonably well in non-polar regions like the Flanaess and Hepmonaland. Note that distances varies a bit between this map and the regional maps using a Ortho Projection, and in most cases Ortho are more accurate. This is unavoidable when depicting a spherical planet as a flat image, and a good lesson in cartography.

The map is offered in two versions with and without heraldry:

Flanaess Core 598 CY with heraldry (JPG 232.9MB):

Flanaess Core 598 CY (JPG 233.8MB):

This map is too big to effectively turn into PDF or PSD format from QGIS, which is one of the few things I miss from Illustrator. Adobe has to special tricks up their sleeve, PDF is a format created by them after all.

For those of you who want to make your own custom version you can use the latest GeoPackage. When I get back home from Gary Con I'm going to set up a series of seminars for Patreon members on how to use the Geopackages in QGIS.

Thank you again for all your support! 🙂

Sources Project - a first look


One of the key aspects of my Greyhawk maps have been to try and include as much as possible of the wealth of geographical lore related to the setting, whether that is from published lore, the Living Greyhawk campaign or even fan created content, my goal have been to try and accommodate it.

With a setting now half a century old, its history of going in and out of being published to, and having had an active fan base who continuously have supporting it, the sheer amount of content are immense. This means the task of keep in track of it is a big task in itself and the learning curve for those who want to start using the setting is therefore also increasing.

When I started mapping Greyhawk over 25 years ago it was mainly for my own needs, so creating a comprehensive database of its sources was something I didn't pay too much attention too, I was too busy trying to create the maps themselves. Then the Internet came around, and I decided to share my maps. This have led to me being able to keep working on them and invest more time, money and innovation to improve my mapping.

 To try and help all the users of my maps (including myself!), creating a geographical data base has been on my mind a long time.  With the GIS conversion well under way, now is the time to get a Greyhawk Geographical Database set up. I've chosen to use Notion for this, it is easy to work with, powerful, it has sharing built in, and it can be combined with my other Greyhawk content also on Notion. It is also a reasonably priced service (for now), and has reasonable export options, for the time when they try to export their customers. My intention is to offer both an online and an downloadable version to make sure the data is safe and usable by all.


This is the setup I hope will do the job, feel free to comment and suggest improvements!

Name:  the name as is it entered on the map

Alias: other names that it is being recognized by, or associated with. This can be nicknames, WotC's new names or names used by Fan projects that have "filed of the serial numbers".

Symbol: heraldry or other forms of symbols can be added here for to make a entry easier to find and relate to.

Type: what kind of entity it is. To not be too granular I suggest grouping them into three: Settlements, Political and Geographical. Settlements for everything from Keeps and Dragon Lairs to Metropolises. Political for names of countries provinces and the like. Geographical for names of oceans, lakes, highlands, plains and the like.

Position: Latitude Longitude in decimal degrees, for example N38.95, E0.16 for the Free City of Greyhawk. Position will only be added for things that are reasonably small in size, like settlements and dragon lairs.

Category: This covers the origin, in what circumstance was the place or name created. Categories I suggest are Published (created by TSR, WotC or in Dragon or Dungeon magazines), Living Greyhawk (from a module or triad sourcebook), 3rd Party (for content by other publishers), Fan Created (usually available in a fanzine, blog or other online source) and MeyerHawk (for things created by me). Hopefully these categories can be useful and help you filter out the stuff you are interested in.

References: Information, links to wikis, websites to guide to further information.

Maps: if I have a map, or other content detailing the place or area, links can be here.

Notion has a number of search, filter and view options. You can search in all material at once.

   You can organize things per category or type and see it in card form.

and filter using any of the data types.

 This is a VERY early alpha version, and I will work on it a bit every day. Over time my goal is to make this a useful tool for the Greyhawk community.

Take a peak here:

Remember this is a project under development, things can, and probably will, change so please keep that in mind. The start might be a bit slow, but give me a couple of months, and some advice, and I think it will be really useful.

Thank you all for making this possible!

LAB1 Lanthorn of Velzarkis


Dungeon Module LAB1
The Lanthorn of Velzarkis
Designed by D.H. Boggs From Material by Lenard Lakofka
An adventure for 1st level characters.

Get it here (PDF 59MB) LAB1 Lanthorn of Velzarkis

598 CY GeoPackage

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Here comes the final piece of the 1:2,000,000 scale Digital maps Flanaess 598 CY series.

Legends are difficult to create and as usual it took me a bit to try and make something I'm reasonably happy with. It comes in a full version JPG (3.1MB):

and a compact version JPG (1.6MB):

I will now package all this and make a proper download page to make the whole series accessible in a single place.

Baklunish Northern 598 CY


Here comes the last of the Digital 1:2,000,000 Flanaess series, the Baklunish Northern.

JPG (47.4MB):

Layered PDF (501.4MB):

Layered PSD (1.6GB):

To conclude this series there will be a legend and overview map, which I just started to work on. Might take a bit since I'm not sure on what will work the best, so a bit of experimentation is in order.

Baklunish Southern 598 CY

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